Tarte au Citron Torture
With the summer heat on the Paris street, I have been lapping up the Tarte au Citron. I have been doing my due diligence to provide you, dear reader, with an exhaustive exploration of the Tarte au Citron of Paris. A sacrifice I am willing to take.First, I went slummin' with les tartes from the grocery store.
Franprix store brand:
It ain't pretty on the outside.And it ain't pretty on the inside.
But you bite into it and you realize it's worth it's 2,39 price tag.
Yummy weekday tarte. A surprising delight.
Second, the grocery store luxury brand: Bonne Maman
Pretty packaging and pretty toasted top:
But an inconsistent toasted top. And it tasted like cardboard. AND it costs more than the store brand, likely for all that packaging. BIG FAIL Bonne Maman.I soon moved onto a fancier tarte au citron.
First stop: Pâtisserie des Rêves
Now we're talking.Now this is what I call Tarte au Citron.
I don't even have to describe it. Your eyes can see that this is one tasty treat.Onward to Carl Marletti.Marletti also baked my wedding cake last year. It was lemon. Quelle surprise.
Marletti has won prizes for his mastering of lemony things.
It was a custardy shiny tarte, enjoyed in the shade of the store next door, Mavrommatis where we paired it with... you guessed it, citron gelato.
I just can't quit. But why? Tis the season for all things citron.