The art of journaling (it's not all about writing)
Lately I've been sensing that there was another ecourse hovering in my general head space. But what? I asked around. People offered up suggestions. But my general languishing left me lackadaisical about starting anything.
But then Jamie R came along and saved the day. She writes:
“I am already a journaler and I was wondering how to turn streams of conscious thought into something more focused, like a story vs rambling about all the things in no particular order.”
How to turn your journal writing into something wonderful
(like a story vs rambling about all the things in no particular order)
If there is one thing I know about, it is journaling. Pages and pages, books and books. A whole hot mess of thought captured in the beautiful Apica Twin Ring:Featured with the ultimate companion, the UniBall Vision Micro pen. I've become such a sucker for this combo that I can hardly write without them. To not have them sends me into silent fits of fury. I get dry mouth when either of them is temporarily out of stock. I enjoy writing with them so much that I can go on and on and on, day after day, year after year, with journals filled with "rambling about all the things in no particular order" as Jamie R so eloquently states.But what to DO!?!?!?! with all that genius? How to BEGIN sorting through that hot mess? Once I figured out how to sort through my journals, I ended up on a clear, time-efficient path to MAKING THE THINGS instead of writing about making the things. I started 11 years ago and have since written a few best selling books. Amazingly enough. It all started when I figured out WHAT TO DO with my journal writing. I figured, if you're reading this, chances are you're already on my list. If you're on my list, you should know about these things.Behind the scenes:The videos in this new online course are WAAAAAYYYYY more fun than my first course. I just let the camera roll and kept the less polished bits. Sometimes I look at other course creators and I stop listening to the content and just stare at their perfection. The hair. The teeth. The eloquence. It makes me wonder if they are really that nice or are seething Cruellas beneath all that SHOW.On camera:
Off camera:
But with me, I brushed my hair. You're welcome.
This is as good as it gets. My hair is still mostly curly-chemo-kink, but at least it's long enough to wrangle into a writerly bun. When I began creating online writing courses, I cared so deeply about the background, wanting it to be Mid-Century Modern with some rubber plants and light airy windows. But now I'm just glad most of the toys are off screen. And on this one I let my Funny Flag fly. I think it's a side effect of our new Zoom world. We are discovering that real is better than perfect.So if you'd like guidance on how to sort through all your journal writing and create something from it, check out the course.PS If you would like to learn something from me that I don't currently offer, let me know. If your question becomes a course, you'll get it free.