WHSmith in Paris Book Signing
When Paris Letters launched in Spring 2014, my friend Simon sent me a photo he had taken of WHSmith in Paris (the biggest English bookstore here) and wrote that one day I would be plastered behind the door of this store.Of course, later that day I walked by his apartment, took a photo and said I was more likely to be plastered behind his door.
But then BAM! A book signing at WHSmith happened.
The lady above is Marilyn from Cambridge-Narrows in New Brunswick. She and her husband opened a herb farm, and since his last name is Erb and his first name is Howard, it's called H.Erb's Herbs, which had to happen. She said she came to Paris to see the Mona Lisa and me.
Likely a lie, but I'll take it!
The lady in yellow is Jen and the lady in white is Dorothy, long-time subscribers to my Paris Letters mail subscription service. The lady in black is Carol and she hobbled all the way over on crutches!
A few ladies from my book club showed up.
They are displaying the only book we've all actually read. (I think we have a book problem with our drinking club.)And of course there is the core group. These lovely folks are not only my good friends who showed up to buy the book for Christmas presents (because they already had their own copies... because they already know what's good for them), but they each are characters in my book. Can you guess who is Melanie, Simon, Alison, Julie and Carol based on the descriptions in the book? Leave your guesses in the comments below.Here is one clue.
"Well hello there. You look familiar. I believe I referred to you as the cock at my Cock & Hen Party in the book."
"Yeah, ya wanna sign it?"